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Pune, Maharashtra, India
VITs PVP college of Architecture Pune - We believe in creating sensitive & socially conscious Architects who can contribute in shaping our Built environment. Our aim of creating this blog is to discuss & raise an awareness about the various urban issues in our Cities.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Metro related Events Sequence

Since PVP College of Architecture - 4th yr Students , did the study for the proposed Metro project in Pune, lot of water has passed under the bridge.
Various technical organizations in Pune came together to form the Pune Technical Collation (PTC), which first presented the lacunas in the Metro project to Pune Municipal Corporation. Pune Metro Jagruti Abhiyan of the various NGOs & concerned Citizens took up this studies to reach out to the citizens of Pune & pressurise the PMC to rethink, the way in which Metro project is proposed to being carried out.
Following is the Chronology of these events:
Sequence of Events
PVPCOA + IUDI + MCCIA - JANWANI to Formation of PTC ( Pune Technical Collation

17th April Formation of Pune Metro Jagruti Abhiyan
( a Collation of NGO’s for out reach to Citizens )

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