About Me

Pune, Maharashtra, India
VITs PVP college of Architecture Pune - We believe in creating sensitive & socially conscious Architects who can contribute in shaping our Built environment. Our aim of creating this blog is to discuss & raise an awareness about the various urban issues in our Cities.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Work on Pune Metro -PVPCOA

Following is work on Impact of Metro on Pune Urban fabric by our college students

Monday, July 5, 2010

A so called 'Jansunavni', Lies & Future of Pune Metro

'Jansunavni' held at Pune Municipal Corporation on 23rd June was a 'Big event', attended by many citizens, NGOs, DMRC officials, politians etc. As per all the Media, the next days newspapers claimed it to be huge sucess. Many political parties supported the Metro project & have given green signal to it based upon the poor quality DPR.
All this is a big 'Lie'. Many of us who attended the 'Jansunawni' know what happend. Many Citizes, PTC & other activists openly opposed the Metro project in its current form proposed. People were not given enough time to speak. The question & answers session was a big joke. Mr Sharma from DMRC was totally unaware of situations in Pune city & most of his answers were not satisfactory !
Still.............., our political parties passed our Metro project ! So even as things are claimed to be hunky dory, the Future of this huge project is in air. Maybe people who supported Pune Metro in its current form shall be in state of shock when the Project starts!
God help Pune Metro !!
